ACSOL Files Fourth Lawsuit Challenging DOJ and L.A. In-Person Registration During COVID-19 Pandemic


The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) today filed a fourth lawsuit challenging in-person registration.  This lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court against both the California Department of Justice as well as the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

“We added the CA Department of Justice as a defendant in this case because several registration officers in the LA Sheriff’s Department said they could not stop in-person registration until and unless the CA Department of Justice authorized them to do so,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.

Earlier this week, ACSOL filed lawsuits against the City of Murrieta (March 23), the City of San Diego (March 24) and the City of Sacramento (March 25).  All three lawsuits included a plaintiff who has one or more high-risk COVID-19 factors.

“Requiring people to register in person is dangerous, perhaps, deadly for law enforcement officials as well as registrants and their families,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein.  “And, as the Los Angeles Police Department has proven, registration can be accomplished in a safe manner using the telephone.”

ACSOL remains dedicated to protecting registrants and their loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Additional lawsuits will be filed if necessary.

Download a PDF of the petition:

Petition – CA DOJ and LASD – CONFORMED



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Thank you ACSOL!!!!! Hit em hard. Law enforcement are to keep people safe. Not to put people in danger.

I was confused for a while but here this is Los Angeles SHERIFF’S Department not the La Police department.

waiting for Fresno…

This the same dept. of ‘justice’ that pushes ‘doc’ Hanson’s static scam-99 propaganda?

Anyway thanks a bunch. Fight on!!!

G-d bless you for the important work that you do. How do I make a donation to your organization? Keep being relentless in your pursuit of true justice.

Once again, thank you Janice, et al for having our backs! May God continue to bless your efforts.

The whole state is under a stay at home order with the number of virus cases on the rise. It might be necessary to file a lawsuit at the state level stop in person registration for all of California. Anyone could catch the virus and people don’t have to have symptoms to be contagious. It’s too risky for the next number of weeks and perhaps months.

@ Michael B. and others. Before one gets confused about most of this sex registry we all have remember that we are all facing a pandemic les we forget.

Tim in WI brought up a good thing about – intent- . And yes intent can have so many different ways and means. Yes we all have freedom of religion and yes we are all endowed by their creator as Jefferson puts in the declearation that and understand God created everything…. it would be a bit vague to some to not want some to have freedom of choice to say who created who but yet we all have certain inalienable rights. such as freedom of choice, religon, speech, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Actually this country is founded on Christiany. And yes this nation was molded on Christian values and justly called a Christian Nation. Even Justice John Marshall agreed.
If you go a bit father I’m sure anyone on here would know why we broke off from Great Britian

Yes this nation was molded on Christiany and values. So do we have a theocratic government today? What is the purpose of this registry of the sex offender.To keep one in compliance, for public safety, other responsible measures, or intimidating factors such as being in control.

Anyone knows what one’s PO says.. its for Public Safety…yet here we have the Christian government setting one up.. in all this black and white… code of justice.
Actually no one in the Old Testament could keep the commandments.Anyone ever wonder about Paul… the cheif sinner in the bible… and even the pauline letters…. I’m sure if you ask Chance about all this he could tell you all.

So myself with my little ordeal and yes Janice has paperwork for her to review at her leasure to help you all of us out…. Remember I’m in VA and each state is different but God is the same if one learns of him or why Jesus Came.

So adding up everything … you have a Government Usurping God’, Pretending or making false wittness. Even one could go with adultrated use of scriptures or a cloak of malice or disputational errors it all adds up in American Justice. today.

Seems to me they’re putting their registering officers at risk. Will the Union stand up to the state? Highly unlikely given the state’s unlimited resources. I don’t mind if they get sick but I’ll be going in there with a mask and nitrile gloves; part protection, all show!

Sure we all have view’s but any public servent is for the good of mankind and much of this offender ordeal tends to lean on bone picking. I do’t blame Janice’s team for presenting these suits.

Putting one in danger during lack of good communication, presenting confusion to those on registry. Hey people are still human or is government not seeing their own “writings on the wall”.

While people can talk about global warming or this sicientific stuff that is just man intervention and theory at best. Hey if thats the case than whereI live right now has Dupont factories and I’m sure I have a “cough or two” but we still have to press on.

Is all this convid-19 about understanding or some confounding act of nature or is government going a bit overboard on things. If I were a lawyer I would probably take some class action like Janice also in these suits that seem to present confusion to those in CA trying to registar with this stay at home policy or quarantine policy’s that states ordain today.

Their ya go Will we all just have to rationalize all this out. Their are good and bad things in everything but coming to concrete reasoning is always good. And yes we all have ethics to understand. I stood up to my PO when I first met him and he said to me for the next 10 years I’m the boss and I used a little Christian Principal on him and said I don’t fear you just don’t have me bow down to you.
Respect is good if respect is shown but some governments can’t seem to grasp that in these sex offender ordeals as there are different types of sex offending and this intent can present a whole different prospective view also. Every since than its been a pretty good relationship but now he’s retired.

@TS It would be that some goverment authorities are are overactive and the general American public in general are more of a I can justify my actions more than my neighbor but in the long run who can justify who or who runs a country with a bail out plan today. Almost like an easy fix for everyone.

Sure I love my sister but when we talk she can justify everything. Even police motives but she doesn’t wsant to tell her kids about me as its to embarrassing to her uprightness as one would say. One could look at it as social stsandard snobishness. Even governments can hold that standard. We can view that a bit by the Civil war but in a different view or prospective.

Will I was looking at some of your past view’s and yes you called yourself crazy at one point and warpath is about ready to jump of the broklyn bridge over this registry issue. Love and peace just wants to be left alone but thats not the answer.

One can say theocraticic government of a tyrantic government but in the end when a crisis and a shutdown is killing millions or thousands world wide and not just America than things are out of balance. The young kids in grade schools even partying on the beach don’t even understand either but the hard working man or woman know’s about what this is doing to families not just in America but every Nation and the efffects. Almost like the radiation scares we had back in the 50’s

Even saying something bad about government can get one a few month or years in prison today so who’s on squeeky ground today or does data machines have all the answers or government and human behavior still goes on. Talk about a real life mad magazine.

I just moved from La Habra to Diamond bar, I called to deregister, but the message stated that they were not doing registration until the end of April. I haven’t heard from sheriff’s department pertaining to regerstering for my new location. I’m stressed out. Left name, number and address on voicemail. Still no response.